In this episode of The Addicted Mind podcast, Eric and Duane dive deep into the often-overlooked topic of perfectionism and its profound impact on recovery journeys. They explore different dimensions of perfectionism, from self-imposed standards to societal expectations, revealing how these can lead to self-criticism and hinder progress. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, they offer practical strategies for overcoming perfectionism, such as mindfulness, self-compassion, and seeking professional support. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who has felt the weight of unattainable standards and seeks a path to greater peace and acceptance in their recovery.


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Key Topics:

  • Types of perfectionism: self-oriented, other-oriented, socially prescribed
  • Psychological impacts of perfectionism in recovery
  • Practical steps to combat perfectionistic tendencies
  • Connection between perfectionism and substance use disorders
  • Importance of mindfulness and self-compassion in recovery

Key Moments:

  1. 00:01:14 – Introduction to the topic of overcoming perfectionism in recovery
  2. 00:04:24 – Historical and psychological perspectives on perfectionism
  3. 00:09:00 – Link between perfectionism and substance use disorders
  4. 00:11:25 – Practical steps for fighting perfectionism
  5. 00:16:22 – Invitation to join the deep dive and community for support

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Supporting Resources:

If you live in California and are looking for counseling or therapy please check out Novus Mindful Life Counseling and Recovery Center

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