by Duane Osterlind | Nov 7, 2022 | accountability, Addiction, Addiction Recovery Groups, Addiction Treatment, Recovery
Embed Code: Episode 206: The Sober Economy: Leveraging Blockchain Technology to Help People in Recovery with Dr. Harold Jonas Addiction recovery is a long process that’s why we need long-term solutions to help people move into a recovery state. We need a community and...
by Duane Osterlind | Oct 11, 2022 | Blog
We’re wired to connect. We hear that all the time. It actually means that we have this wiring. However, we need another person’s wiring to complete the circuit. This is how humans are supposed to work – it’s the social engagement system. But turned off, it...
by Duane Osterlind | Oct 4, 2022 | Blog
Many people go through their day always having to do something. Whether that’s getting involved in your kid’s activities, running errands, or working – you do things every day to ignite your fire. Even when you work out, you think the harder, faster, or heavier it is,...
by Duane Osterlind | Oct 3, 2022 | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Sex Addiction, Trauma
It’s important to look at addiction from the perspective of seeing how the body operates, specifically our nervous system. By figuring out what changes can be done from a neurological approach, we then begin to heal, treat, and change for the better. If your nervous...
by Duane Osterlind | Sep 27, 2022 | Blog
Over the years, our society has normalized drinking. At almost every party or event, booze is a huge part of the celebration. No booze = no fun. But what if we could create a space where everyone can just have fun while still being their authentic self –...