As a parent, how do you deal with a child who’s struggling with addiction? How can you fully support your kid at this most trying time of their lives? Today, Duane speaks with Steve D. about parenting a child with addiction. A father of five children, the youngest of whom had a near-lethal addiction to alcohol, Steve retired from a 30-year career on Wall Street to learn about addiction, to help his family, and to help others. 

Steve’s eight-year journey includes getting trained as a parent peer addiction coach, completing a fellowship at Harvard University studying addiction, co-creating a podcast called My Child & Addiction and volunteering at a national addiction nonprofit to create educational tools for families. Recently, he developed a free resource, Love the Kid, Hate the Disease, with a mission to deliver the most important information, concepts, tools, and personal experiences from his 8 years of dealing with addiction to help parents and caregivers better understand the disease and help address it.

Steve is the EVP for Shatterproof, a nonprofit with a mission to help businesses and communities educate their constituencies about the disease of addiction and the most effective, evidence-based treatment practices.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Understanding that there is hope
  • The importance of setting boundaries
  • His child’s addiction and recovery journey
  • The importance of telling personal stories about addiction
  • The value of a parent support group meeting
  • The power of sharing your story

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My Child & Addiction

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