Living as a high-functioning alcoholic for 11 years, Charlie Gray’s plan was to keep his job, make some good money, and just drink his way through. This went on until, physically, he could no longer do so.

The root cause behind his addictive behavior was his early childhood trauma from losing his mother. He was so focused on creating a life of purpose in honor of his mother that he never dreamed addiction would be something on the table for him. But then began 11 years of a toxic relationship with vodka. 

Charlie attended a number of treatment centers across the country. Over the years, he had gathered all of the tools necessary for recovery. He was receptive to advice on what to do to better himself; he just didn’t implement it. One day, though, he finally heeded the call of his higher power. 

Your brain is a powerful tool but we don’t even realize it. You can develop your mind in such a way that it will protect you through coping mechanisms that allow you to survive. In Charlie’s case, he leaned into drinking because it was the easier route. Thinking that you can control it is a great example of how clever our minds can be and the rationale they can create even when you have proven a thousand times that you cannot control it.

However, when the body says no more and your pain is too great, there comes a point when you decide to do something. One day, Charlie just woke up ready to receive the love and the message from his higher power that if he would just spend a little time trying the practices he had learned through those years, he would stay sober. And this is just what he did.

If you want to learn more about Charlie’s journey through alcoholism and recovery, check out Episode 144: The Journey Through Alcoholism and Recovery with Charlie Gray